We all need safe and affordable places to live, and a strong sense of place that maintains our quality of life.
Support the Red & Blue
Sufficient funding for Police and Fire is a top priority, to provide the level of resources our citizens expect, we must find sustainable funding in order to ensure safety standards.
More investment is needed in housing options of all shapes and sizes for working families of varying income levels. A housing first approach must be taken for our most vulnerable residents requiring secure shelter.
Vancouver's neighborhoods are the heart of our community, and neighborhood associations advocate for livability issues for a diverse population, they need our support and participation.
Current parks need to be maintained, and further investment is needed to continually develop and add new parks, trails, and urban tree canopies.
Leading the Way
Vancouver must lead the way and collaborate with Clark County and our neighboring municipalities in the development of a Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. We can protect residents and mitigate the impacts of climate change, maintain air and water quality standards, reduce greenhouse emissions, and place a moratorium on further fossil fuel infrastructure, all while investing in new green economy jobs.
Earthquake Readiness
Additionally, with the “Big One” looming over us, we must work with partner agencies and nonprofits to ensure our residents are equipped with the emergency preparedness training, resources, and tools to survive such a large and devastating earthquake that will affect everyones lives.